Xbox One turning off by itself

I have an xbox one that after intense cleaning finally turned on and passed the green screen logo, but then in a few seconds or minutes turned off again… sometimes it goes crazy beeping, going on and off by itself… (last two tries i was able to enter into the system )(then i went to bed)…
at first the disc drive was making a horrible sound and the xbox didn’t even get to the green screen, i disassembled the disc drive and cleaned it, the horrible sound went away and the xbox got farther into the system…
any idea?? recommendation?

It seem that de HDD is having issues, I think yiu should change it follow this youtuber XFiX, help me a lot in the process of replacement. If your console is still in warranty you should contact Microsoft.

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Hey there,
do you have a known good PSU to try? If random components fail I personally always suspect the PSU. Just my two cents.

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i tried with another hdd and nothing, hehe this console is under my own warranty, is and xbox one (first gen) i bought it broken… i’ll keep trying tonight, cause right now i’m all focused with cod mw… thanks!!

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Yes, i’m testing with a working PSU… funny fact (yesterday i almost died by dischargin the caps of a PSU with my fingers accidentaly)… :rofl:
thanks for your two cents…


Hey there,
If you can discharge the outputs of the PSU with your fingers the PSU likely is not good at all. The output of the PSU should be so low, you shouldn’t be able to discharge it with your bare fingers. At least it shouldn’t hurt…


it was a broken PSU and it was disconnected, but capacitors store voltage, so i dischaged it by shorting it with my fingers, i put it aside after that and every time i enter that room i just look a it with fear haha…

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well, at the end the problem was the power flex cable, accidentaly i connected a different faceplate and all the problems went away…

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