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Please be honest (if your cat peed on your PS4 then say that!), it makes it much more likely that you’ll get a helpful answer.
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my original PS4 has a problem, the fan runs loud every time i turn the system on, cleaned the system, that did not work so i ask, what else could the problem be besides that?
My sons PS4 asks him to log in and then it automatically logs him out without letting him play any of his online games except 2 and this didnt start until after it was cleaned. please help
Hi, good day I’ve come across two (2) strange problems on my ps4 controllers. JDS-055 motherboards.
The first is that the controller won’t charge the battery, the first of these type is that the orange light slow flashes all day but the battery doesn’t receive any power and the 2nd is that the orange light does the normal pulse for about 2 minutes then it just goes blank (no more light)
And the 2nd issue is that my controller doesn’t turn off.
When plugged to my pc then unplug the blue light stays on indiffentially (that is without the controller being connected via bluetooth)… in addition if I press the reset button tonreset it, the pulsing yellow comes on and pulses indefinitely even though it’s not plugged to anything.
In both these cases I’ve replaced the batteries, ribbon cables, membranes, and PCBs. With known working ones and brand new ones. But the issues still remain.
Does anyone have any idea how to resolve these issues?
I was changing my playstation 4 buttons and now it’s not turning on. I plugged everything in correctly. Do you have any ideas for me to try to get it to turn on?