So, I bought a home entertainment system off Amazon a few years ago. Recently three of the channels quit working. I took it apart to inspect some things and I found a thick brown substance around a group of capacitors. From what I’ve researched, that’s the electrolyte concoction from inside of one of the capacitors. However, none of them are bulging. There are several coated in this stuff, one even has it on the top but it isn’t blown. I’ve tested for continuity on them. A few have continuity and a few don’t. I don’t have a capacitance tester, but I’ve also found that I have continuity between one of the legs of one of the capacitors, like the whole trace, and the heat sink. I’m not completely sure what to do with this information. According to Google there could be a few causes for this issue. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: I did also remove one of the capacitors as it was loose internally, still need to desolder the legs and remove them. Attached pics to show what I’m referring too.