Blank display while using handheld

So my switch screen is completely blank but if put into dock everything functions normally. I tried replacing the LCD with a new one and same issue. not sure what else to try from here.

Hmmm…this is a strange one…usually it’s the other way around where it won’t work in docked mode. Unfortunately, I don’t know of a fix for this but hopefully someone else who reads this will. Please update if/when you find a fix for this.

It is very likely the screen is gone rather than a chip because if a chip goes it usually takes out both hdmi and screen and gives the bsod or some other issue like charging

Hey there,

I’d also say it’s the screen, even though you changed it. Because, from my understanding the HDMI and screen are driven using the same chip, just the output pins and protocol used are different. Did you check the display’s connector on the board? Look for bent pins, loose solder joints, corrosion or other defects.
Another possibility might be the filters in the lines going to the display connector. They’re quadratic, 4-leaded and quite close to the connector itself. They sometimes die due to ESD when working in and on the console. Very unlikely through.
Another possibility would be the M92T36 chip. Check the capacitors around it for shorts. If you need help, take a look at Steve’s Switch repair videos on youtube (tronicsfix channel).

No that would likely either cause a charging issue or bsod

I have a similar Switch here that is exhibiting the same problem. As far as I can tell the LCD is driven directly from the TEGRA. The only thing in-line are the chokes mentioned by @kage-chan. No water damage and everything is clean as a whistle.

The Switch works fine-ish in the dock (I’ve got a flickering issue that might be related).

I’m starting to think that it’s the M92 as it seems to do most of the marshalling of the docking process. Perhaps one of the discrete outputs is stuck high meaning that the TEGRA is always commanded to blank the screen and run in dock mode…

Ok. Update. I drove the backlight from another donor board and the screen is working, so it looks like the backlight controller on this switch is faulty. Any idea what IC controls this and where I can get a replacement?

Hi SheriffBuck,

the IC for the backlight is on side-A. Thanks to My-Mate-Vince. He has shown in one of his videos a solution for a defectiv backlight. If I remember right the problem in his case was the diode in the ciruit.

I made some diode mode meassurings and got this values:

Thanks for the updates. Yes. I managed to trace it through to that IC over the weekend. I’ve included a high resolution shot for reference below.

I have a hunch that it’s a TI TPS61163A as the pins match the datasheet and we know Nintendo source a lot of the board from TI. The reference design matches its use and the pinout appears to match. I’ve ordered one to test it out.

The enable pin and the PWM feeds are all working, however the output stage is only giving 4v when I should be expecting something like 17v (when the backlight is connected). The output stage can be measured on the left side of the large cap in the bottom left of the picture.

I removed the chip marked U3K from a donor board and fitted it over the weekend and my Switch is now fully operational!


Hi there, I was curious if you ever had a chance to try out that TI TPS61163A? I have a similar problem on a water damaged switch and unfortunately I don’t have any donors :confused:

The board is in backlog as I’m waiting for other parts. Hope to get on it in the next week. Will update the thread when I have some results.

Hi, I have a similar issue, please see my new post today.

I do see what I believe is the back light working, however the Nintendo logo doesn’t appear, just black, but a lighter black. If the back light U3K chip is at fault, would I still see some light?