Error 2101-001, Replaced M92T36

Hi All,

New to the forum so apologies if I am beating a dead horse!

I recently fell victim to the 2101-001 error on my modded switch and through some light research discovered it was most likely the M92T36 chip. Using my USB C measurement adapter, I saw that my switch was taking in 5V at 250mA and the M92T36 was warm to the touch. I have been micro soldering and reflowing electronics for 15+ years through my field of practice (EE) so replacing the M92 was quick and easy. Unfortunately, now that the chip has been replaced the USB C adapter is telling me its taking in 5V at 0.007mA which is not the outcome I was hoping for. I replaced the chip a second time with a new chip and same result. Any suggestions about next steps? I ordered a set of needle probes for my fluke so am currently waiting to probe all caps, voltages and pins.

Thanks for the help all!

Sorry, forgot to say that it is a v2 switch.

Hi All,

Went back, took the M92T36 chip back off, re-tinned the board and chip and hot aired it a third time and… it looks like I now have 15V stable when plugged in to the USB-C port!!! Current is low with the battery plugged in but hoping once reassembled it will boot again!

Reassembled everything, boots into Hekate fine still, 15V still on the port (still very little current draw), unfortunately still getting error 2101-001… Can the BQ24193 also cause this issue???

Oh heck yeah, replaced a sus cap near the BQ chip and this thing is now charging the battery and drawing 0.045A @ 15VDC with no battery. I am crossing my fingers that it will boot after I reassemble!

Final report: Holy cow it works again! What a rollercoaster of emotion… I will never use a third party charger again, that’s for sure! First thing I did tonight was backup all my saves just in case, that was the worst part for sure was the prospect of potentially losing 5-10 years of game saves.