External blue ray drive xbox1?

hey i have a question not sure if u able to help or no the answer, can i buy a aftermarket blue ray drive to use on my xbox one it has one but does not read disk any more and not confident enough to open up the machine to investigate/fix as still working properly using digital games, any help would greatly appreciated thanks

I found something on Reddit, but I cannot post links. Just search for xbox one aftermarket optical drive on Google. It should also show a guide on iFixit about how to do the replacement (text and video). It may be difficult sourcing a replacement drive though. The drive used in the Reddit post is named XSPANDER Blu-Ray Disk Drive Replacement Lite-On DG-6M1S-01B DG-6M1S 6M2S B150 Laser for Xbox One. Try to look for similar items.

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