Help me identifying components on nintendo switch oled board

Does anyanyone know what’s that component? If that’s a cap then what’s the value of that cap? Cause mine doesn’t looks like capacitor

It located beside cpu on switch oled

I can’t attach any photos btw☹️

upload to imgur or anywhere and post link like xx(dot)com/xxxx

I see, thank you very much! Here’s the component photo

https:// imgur(dot)com/gallery/XNJdQg6

This is an inductor/coil at 1uH 1A output current assigned with the +ALJ chip

If you were thinking it was shorted and attempted to replace it, please stop. It is normal having continuity between both side of an inductor.

I want to replace it because the block was fell off leaving the contact pad on the board when I’m trying to clean the board with PCB Cleaner using ultrasonic☹️

https:// imgur(dot)com/gallery/Ufj2yaD

Was 1uH 1A is the specification of the inductor?

It actually knocked 2 components, the other one located near fan connector and both looks similar, what’s the specification of those components?

https:// imgur(dot)com/gallery/vhOnYLM