Help with water damaged Switch Lite

Hey guys, I need help repairing my switch lite. I inspected the board and found signs of water damage all over different parts of the board. My ampeter shows that the device is taking in around 0.9 to 1.1 amps as it charges. But nothing comes up on the screen, no sign of powering on. The switch also doesn’t react to touch or make any sounds, also there is no change in charge when I hold down the power button. Nothing at all works. I have tried cleaning up the board with Isopropyl and searching for short circuits. There doesn’t appear to be any around any of the usual suspects (BQ, M92) or seemingly anywhere else on the board. Also I have placed the motherboard in a known working housing/screen and it still doesn’t power on so I know the issue is with the motherboard. Any advice would be helpful, thank you.

double check max77812 if device got liquid damage, that ic is most common suffered from liquid damage

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if your ammeter is showing .9-1 amp current draw without the screen coming on, and you’re charging at 15v, this feels a little high IMO. Id expect something between .48 and .6 depending on battery level. I’d start looking at actual resistance to ground for things like the 1.8 and 3.3 lines found across the board rather than just testing for dead shorts.

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sorry to hijack new to repairing switch consoles have you got any info on where to test the rails please as i cannot figure it out as i have 3 switch lite without shorts and good usb sockets that i cannot bring back to life

just search the forums here, plenty of topics that cover where and what to test.