Max ix capacitor shorted

Hi everyone ,

I have an non working Switch for my son’s christmas, ans i search for a no power’ s one .

I was thinking it Can be thé USB c port the bq or the MT but i was wrong …

I got two caps that are shorted near the max ic (red cicle)

And i think inmissing a components and i dont know what it is (orange circle)

Please help me .



I cant put a link or an image so …
H t t p s : / / ibb. Co. / 371bzGh Without thé spaces

you missing a 10k ohm resistor next to the small cap you circled in green.
The caps circled in red is low resistance to ground since they are on the Vcore/gpu voltage rail.

Thanks a lot for that , now i have tonfind why the Switch is at 0,042 a draw when thé batterie IS plug .

I have thé 3,6 , and 15 volt Line but not the 5V Line (information taking from the caps near the Bq chip )

I will try with a good battery when m’y ordre came .

Thanks for the help

if you getting 15v from charger then you dont have 5v on BQ caps. 5v or 15v is associated with M92 PD slow/fast charging protocol

I do not understand what you are saying .

I use a standard Nintendo power supply , when i test thé output (via the test point near ) i have got 15V .
Do you mean inneed to changé the mt chip ?

assuming you are referring this cap not getting 5v but 15v, that’s due to the charger communicated to M92 chip and it turns on fast charging protocol so that it stays on 15v not 5v slow charge. Use any non-pd charger or apple charger you will have 5v on that cap.

Yes i talking about this one for the 15 v but i got 2,58v on thé one on thé top left and 3,6V on thé one under it .

If i remerber correctly i should have 4,xx on thé top one no ?

Thanks for your help

that varies and depending on your battery voltage

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Ok So i will try to let it charge.

What will happen if i try to launcher it Without the 10k resistor ?

it should go up to 150mA ish then shutdown

Hi ,

So i let it charge over night and thé battery stay AT 2,37/38 V

I just notice that the watts dont go UP as they should (0,620 w only 0,042 a and 15v the v IS good)

I will post pics , Can you tell me if something look weird Somewhere that i did not Seen,please.


I cant post photos … Why ?

bq area def water damaged before.
and Max77812 clearly suffered unfair treatment.

Do you think i have tonreplacce replace both of them ?

BQ not sure but you have to clean it well and see if anything around need some touch-up or not. Also the back side fuel gauge max17050 might need to pay attention as well.
For the max77812, you could replace it least until you find everything else like charging works.

I have a working switch light that I refurbished. I’d be willing to donate it to you if in financial need. If you’re just interested in fixing stuff then never mind. Let me know. Attached picture of it.

Hi , thanks for the offer but i have tonreplacce décline it cause i want to repair this one for my son .

I just waiting for the pièces :slight_smile:
Thanks again

I get it. If you still need any assistance, feel free to let me know.
