Missing Component ID help

I’ve discovered a missing capacitor on the OLED board I’m working on currently. Does anyone know if these are the same value capacitor? I’m missing the top one in the selected area in the photo.

I’ve also discovered several capacitors on the APU are shorted to ground currently. Not sure if this is the reason why or if the missing cap has caused a larger failure.

If this is the same as the non-OLED Switch, then it appears to be:
SMD 0.1uF 10V 0201

Not sure if this is related to the grounding issue, however, as these from what I can tell, are used for the WiFi.

Looks like the grounding issue was from a bent pin on the LCD connector.

Replaced missing cap with that value and all is well. Also replaced LCD connector and all systems are go. :slight_smile: