Nintendo Right Joy-Con Significant Battery Drain

Dear All,

I have bought a Nintendo Switch V2 recently and i have been having issues with the right joy-con losing battery charge way too quickly. The scenario is as follows:

I charge the controller while the switch is docked. Once its charged, it takes less than 24 hours for the battery to be depleted (doesn’t turn on or side lights don’t turn on). Especially, that the controller is not used or even connected to the switch.

I tried the following but no luck:

  1. Try to recharge multiple times to activate the battery no luck.

  2. Tried to use standalone Nintendo certified joy-con charger (HyperX). No luck.

  3. Bought new battery and swapped it. Still no luck.

  4. Updated the controllers with every update. Still same issue.

I would like to avoid using the warranty of the device, as they only accept the return for service/repair of the full package. I already have saved data & they don’t replace, only return (wont be able to buy again with the price i got it with). What would you guys suggest i try next? Or what would cause the issue in the first place? Thanks