No Power - 12V 0.04A

Hello Guys,

I’ll make it short and quick.

When I have the switch connected to power, the ampmeter shows 0.043 amps at 12V.

The screen doesn‘t turn on. And there is no sound either.

The battery is at 3.7V.

I have replaced the USB port and it appears to be functioning well so far. I have also tested each pin against each other with a USB test board to check for any shorts.

I didn’t find any shorts on the M92 chip. Here are some screenshots of the chips and where I measured ground.


In some parts, there are ground connections on both sides. However, I am not sure if this is normal. For example, on the MAX77812 chip.

I found this picture in other posts and also took measurements to see how it is for me.

I grounded at the USB port at the points.
I have these values at the measuring points:
A=12V / B=12V / C=12V / D=4.2V

What else can I check or replace?
Does anyone have any more ideas?

I fixed that Short on the BQ Chip. Now Its loading with 12V and 0,46A.

But still no Picture, no Sound.