Maybe I missed something. What is the point for injecting voltage at the Vbat line?
The line is powered by the battery (2.7V - 4.2V) or by the bq (4.2V) while charging. If the power/start button isn’t pressed, there shouldn’t be any current draw.
To see quickly if there is a short on any of the VBat line ICs. Got a thermal cam, found this is easier than just probe the whole board for shorts lol.
Was expecting to see some small idle power draw from the MAX and obviously to draw power when turned on. But it draws nothing on both cases
Nay, I injected Vsys trying to turn it on with the bench PSU (at least first stage boot) but i get no draw when idle and also no draw when powering it on.
Vsys gets to the MAX and the 3.3V regulator but nothing is taking current nor creating their rails when trying to power it on.
What I suspect is bad MAX, but I want to make sure the “On” signal is actually good and reaching the IC.
For the record, I measure .5 voltage drop on EN0 pin on the FPC connector.
Well, once again and to no one surprise, I’m retarded.
Found out I was trying to turn it on shorting the fricking fan connector.
So after injecting Vsys and actually turning it on, the console was taking like .6A; got the thermal cam out and the 3.3 regulator was lighting up like hell.
Since I got no OLED donor and the normal Switch regulator can´t be used as replacement here, I’ll order some and replace it later.
Update on this one. New regulator came in, replaced it and found the cap next to it was shorted. Replaced that one also and the console still wont boot.
Tried a full boot from bench PSU and the console takes 100mA and it’s stuck there.
Did some small probing and the 1.3V line from the MAX is not there and the 1V it’s just .85V