No touch, LCD jumps/glitches, insert a cartridge and error code

I checked all the electronics, diodes, power rails… and it all looked good.

I know with my solder flow failure/successes with processors and memory depends on every darn leg being 100% soldered. It can look great but not have connection.

I was correct you dont get that “1834” or whatever reading in diode mode if the LCD is not attached.

Anywho, reflowed the new port again. For the first time ever this MB is not glitching out…

I need to test more extensively,(digitizer was a mess, new one on the way so I got parts all over waiting for replacements) but this looks VERY promising. Appears the first attempt was not quite enough despite it looking great under scope.

I think its solved by replacing the LCD cable connector just like OhItsSlick. When I can 100% verify I will be back.

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Good stuff, glad you solved your problem :+1:

You are very helpful around here. Thank you.

It was the LCD connector and the second reflow fixed it.

I still have a few issues with this machine but I think Imma call it good and put her back together(tried 3 times to replace cartridge connector on MB and failed).

Thank you to all involved.

The Cod3r was mentioned…

This guys videos are VERY informative FYI.

Glad we were able to figure out the issue. Good job and take care :slight_smile:

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