I noticed my pro wouldn’t accept a disc one day. I took it apart and checked the disc drive. I noticed on of the eject sensors were broken off. Is this a common problem or rare.
The eject sensor? Are you talking about the eject button? If it’s not taking in discs the eject button will not affect that. Does it make noise like it’s trying to take the disc in?
No im not talking about the eject button. I’m talking about the eject sensor that every ps4 has. It has the motor and switches on it that get pushed when a disc is being inserted.
OK…those aren’t eject sensors. Those are switches that tell the motor to engage to pull the disc in. If they are broken off it’s most likely because someone removed the metal plate, then put it back on and smashed the plastic part of the sensor and broke it. If you have another motor you can replace those plastic parts inside the switches or you can just buy another motor and replace the whole assembly.
I bought a whole new assembly is this a common thing to happen?
No. Not unless someone has taken it apart and then tried to put it back together incorrectly. It’s fairly common for the plastic parts of those sensors to break off in that case. I’ve replace lots of them.
@wolfrin Sorry to revive an old thread, but I am assuming the little part on the optical drive motor where the little black plastic shark fin looking parts poke out is what you are talking about being broke right? If so, I have just opened up my PS4 Pro the other day to try to fix the disc drive struggling to pull in discs, and I had this same piece broken off. The console now just sits and tries to eject a disc for around 5 seconds after I turn it on and then the ejecting sound stops. How did you go with fixing your problem?
@tronicsfix I currently have a replacement motor on the way but it is a KLD-004 and mine is an NLD-004. Both parts are identical as far as I can see, but if I am able to just replace the plastic part, I would probably just rather do that when this replacement part arrives. Is this a pretty easy task to just replace the small plastic piece?
Most of the time disassembling the drive and not being careful breaks that fin and yes that is what I was talking about. I replaced the board with the fins by using ebay with the correct model number that was associated with my pro.