Ps4 Slim Disk drive was working perfectly fine then it wouldn't accept discs cause the disk entry point was blocked

My PS4 slim was working perfectly fine. Then just yesterday the PlayStation stop accepting disks. Its as if the place where the CD enters is blocked. I opened up the PlayStation and checked the rollers and the other components, they were all okay. But when I watched videos the two black arms at the top, when opened they would spring back to place automatically. Mine would not go back to original position. You pull them apart but they stay where they are and are not springy. (I checked the spring it is there)

Can anyone help. My little brother has Cancer and will be leaving us in the next year or so. His wish was to get 100% on God of War before he passes on. If anyone can help that would be amazing.

Find your local professional tech other than post here waiting for random help.
Easiest way is swapping the entire Disc drive housing with a same model working one.( PS4 SLIM has no married board on drive not like other model does)