PS5 Blue Light for 2 Seconds - Low Resistance on 1.3V Rails, Need Help with Diagnosis

Hi everyone,

I’m facing a issue with my PS5, and I’m hoping for some advice from the community. When I try to power it on, it shows a blue light for about 2 seconds and then shuts off.

Here’s what I’ve done so far in my troubleshooting:

  1. Measured resistanceon the three 1.3V ram power rails:
  • 35 ohms on one rail
  • 2 ohms on another rail
  • 24 ohms on the third rail
    I’ve read that all the 1.3V rails should have around 40 ohms resistance to ground, so these readings seemed off.
  1. Lifted one leg of the inductors on the 2-ohm and 24-ohm rails to isolate them. The resistance to ground then measured around 40 ohms, indicating that the buck drivers and MOSFETs are likely fine.
  2. Checked the serial log by attaching a serial line to the board, which reported that RAM banks 2 & 4 are faulty.
  3. Injected 1.3V into the three power rails:
  • The rail with 35 ohms could sustain the 1.3V power.
  • The 2-ohm and 24-ohm rails dropped to 0.6V when 1.3V was applied.
  1. Desoldered RAM banks 2 and 4 as the log suggested they were faulty, but the resistance readings on the power rails remained the same (2 ohms and 24 ohms).

I’m confused about what could be causing the low resistance readings, even after desoldering the suspected faulty RAM banks. It seems like there might be another issue I’m overlooking.

Has anyone encountered something like this before or have any suggestions on what to check next? Could there be another component causing the problem, or is there something else I should test?

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!