PS5 Slim No power, no beeps. All voltages normal

PS5 Slim EDM-041, no beeps, no lights.

  • New PSU did not fix the issue.
  • No fuses blown.
  • All standby voltages present.
  • No shorts on Southbridge
  • No shorts on BT/Wifi IC
  • No shorts on Infineon chip
  • APU is not cracked.

Any recommendations on things to look for would be very appreciated.

standby current draw sequence normal?

I did check for the 300mA boot sequence but I think my voltage injector is actually faulty atm as it only shows 3mA on a known good board and 21mA on the faulty one, I also don’t own a Kill-A-Watt to try to read it from the wall so it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to do that test until I purchase another one.

Oh wait I had a setting wrong, it’s at 15-19mA in sleep and no reaction to power stage

I doubt southbridge is not working or the DA9065 is not powering up southbridge

I’ve seen some other posts with similar symptoms on original PS5s with that fault (DA9065) but I can’t find that chip on the PS5 Slim, so I’m unsure if I’m blind or if they started using a different chip in its place on the slim.

Dont have slim board by hand(sent out already this morning LOL). but this should be the PMIC for SB

The IC I have in the location is labelled RT5126, do we know the values it should have? Like diode or voltage readings? I couldn’t find much online about it.

RT5126 has same circuit design and been mixed used with DA9065 on PS5 from day1

Solution found! I replaced that chip with a donor and it’s fully working now, thank you for steering me in the right direction :partying_face:

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