Strange artifacts in games


I have such a problem in games.


Has anyone encountered this? Switch v1, modded with SX Core chip.
I tried to play Atmosphere with 13.20.0 and SX OS on 11.0.0. The problem persists.
The CPU is dead or the SX Core is damaged?

The situation occurs both in handheld and dock mode.

Now I can see that the games are crashing and throwing an error that it has encountered an error and there must be an application.

I’ve only had the glitches when the tegra was on this was out.

I did reflow it. and that fix it temporarily.

tbh I killed the CPU doing it again, so I’m not sure if a proper reball would fix this GPU.
I didn’t have the stencil at the time.

mine wasn’t anything to do with the sxos

THX. Maybe I will try to heat the balls under the CPU / GPU / APU so that they float. I will try to do this using some soldering profile. I will come back with information if it helped.
I am afraid, however, that the balls that are under the core went more than under the BGA chip itself.

I reballed CPU and put it back on the motherboard. Unfortunately, the problem persists. I suspect that someone might have overclocked the CPU before and damaged it.

I also removed the SX Core chip. The problem still occurs, for example, in Mortal Kombat 11. It’s a pity, because the console will have to go into parts, because I do not think that I will be able to determine what is 100% damaged in it.