Unable to update Xbox one X console (0x80072F8F 0x00000000 0x00000201 error)

Hello everybody,
I bought an Xbox one X, as a console that cannot update, and indeed I think I am on an irreparable console.

Let me explain: After installing a hard drive in the console (because I bought it without a hard drive), and having used this tutorial (haa links are disalowed ! His name is " Install firmware on Xbox One S" from ifixit) to install an Xbox OS on it, I get a message during the first configuration (after have chosen the language) “Your network is good, but the Xbox service has some problem” (translated from French) before having the error “0x80072F8F 0x00000000 0x00000201” accompanied by "There was a problem with the update ".

-I specify that my console is well connected to the internet, she says it herself, but the problem seems to come from the Xbox servers. And yet no! (Xbox servers status website says that all is OK). I have been doing tests since yesterday, and no success.

-I tried to try the updates by being connected to my WI-FI, by being connected to my wired router, to use a hotspot from my 4G mobile plan, but no success.

-I also tried the “hardware reset” by unplugging my console from the electric (the 220v in France) and waiting 30 seconds, even one night, but no success.

-I tried to update the system offline via USB stick three or four times, and no change.

-Finally, I replaced the hard drive twice by following the tutorial given previously but the console still does not work.

I even contacted Microsoft through their “virtual agents”, their service is very good, but the only thing they could tell me was to pay for a console repair out of warranty, but too expensive! (around 220 EUR)

I still have something to try, but I could use YOUR help!
When starting the Xbox for the first time, it is required to have an internet connection to check for updates among other things, but if someone gives me the files of an OS pre-installed from another Xbox (without personal data obviously), I could put them on my Xbox hard drive and eventually access the main interface, and retry updating or just enjoy my Xbox offline !

Thank you very much for your help,
I hope you have a good one.

I have the same problem, in reality I also acquired my xbox one x in this situation, buy a motherboard from ebay with the problem of not updating, the truth is that i had another xbox one x with the motherboard changed possibly due to the u21 chip, finally, carry out everything you mentioned as well, it seems there is a problem with the firmware you could send me your email to work on and we are still carrying out procedures, possibly we have to change the northbrige with a console donating something similar, also the errors are 2 depending on it update situation

Internet connection 0x80072F8F 0x00000000 0x00000201
No internet connection 0x8b0500b6 0x00000000 0x00000201

removing the cable from the red during the update, the console falls working on checking the connection.

I’m happy to have an answer, even long after!
I too put on a software “failure” on one (or more!) of the chips on the motherboard. Seen as you explain it to me, it seems to be a very complicated repair and especially with a lot of risk taking, because we do not really know where the failure comes from.

You mentioned working together, I’m ok because I don’t have much to lose (dm me and i can give you my email). I don’t know if this interests you or if this is a routed to use but I know a little about networking, and I recorded the network passage between the Xbox and the internet thanks to a sniffer (wireshark). If I had another working Xbox, I could compare the connections between my failed xbox and the internet AND a working Xbox that checks for updates and the internet. We could surely get something out of it.

And in my first message I was talking about placing a hard drive in the console with an Xbox system installation on it: but forget about this route! I just didn’t know enough, and thought this solution worked. (by the way i will edit it)

I’m open to all questions or recommendations !
Thanks for your help.

Hola amigo un gusto en saludarte , estoy presentando el mismo problema que ustedes y la verdad es que e conseguido muy poco sobre el tema estoy desesperado, has conseguido alguna solución por favor agradezco enormemente cualquier información , saludos

Hola Jacquez,
(Le advierto que traduje este mensaje en el traductor de Google, por lo que es posible que se vean errores de ortografía).

Desafortunadamente, nada nuevo, la consola ha estado acumulando polvo en mi estantería durante todo este tiempo. El usuario “EMF2” me había hablado de colaboración para intentar encontrar una solución, pero nunca me envió un mensaje privado (¡No lo culpo!).
Por mi parte, no realicé más pruebas durante este período (aparte de volver a conectar la consola de vez en cuando y rezar para que milagrosamente vuelva a funcionar) pero sigo atento en este tema.

Siento mucho no poder ayudarte.
Si algún día se me ocurre una solución, no dudaré en publicarla aquí.

–Engligh version–

Hello Jacquez,

Unfortunately nothing new, the console has been gathering dust on my shelf for all this time. The user “EMF2” had told me about collaboration in order to try to find a solution, but he never sent me a DM (I don’t blame him!).
As for me, I did not carry out more tests during this period (apart from reconnecting the console from time to time and praying that it miraculously works again) but i’m still attentive in this topic.

I’m sorry that I can’t help you.
If a solution comes to me one day, I will not hesitate to post it here.

I’m open to all questions or recommendations !
Thanks for your help.

thanks for answering it is a pity not being able to find a solution to the problem but I will continue handling any new news I will be publishing it, I will be aware of your publications thanks friend greetings

Hello everyone,
I have news to bring.
I am sorry if I dig up an old post, but I find it essential to update the progress of the “repair”.

Several months ago, I took my xbox one x out of its dusty cupboards to try an update. At this point, I finally have after several replacements and formatting of internal hard drive managed to install the update and boot the system, until being brought on the access screen! All functions worked smoothly, online included.
Unfortunately, it was only temporary because the console quickly began to degenerate, due to quite strange malfunctions. By relying on my memories, the console was more and more difficult to turn on and off (black screen indefinitely at startup, as if the system did not start; or in the same way black screen indefinitely at shutdown), it happened to the console that the system “slows down” with excessively long delays between the moment when one presses a button of the controller and where the action is taken into account by the console when one navigates through the menus, without forgetting the random freeze ingame, which freezes the console and prevents us from doing anything except turn it off (in which case the power button almost never worked, I was forced to unplug it from the mains to stop it). During these freezes, I had the impression that the ability of the console to access the internal hard disk reduced crescendo, until no longer being able to read anything on it.

That was before, but today I have news that looks better.
I have done many tests more recently with a few hard drives, but all inconclusive. I got a different error though (E101 90070007 8007045D). After a while, I came out of my closet a random hard drive to do a final test, and realized by connecting it to my computer that there was already an installation of the Xbox system on it, with games, preferences, etc… I put it in my console, “to try”. The latter asked me for an update as soon as I turned on the USB key (latest firmware) and it worked!
Today, I do not advance because I have not tested the console enough to say that it works perfectly, but I do not meet any problem.
However, the disc drive stopped working for no reason, so I can no longer launch disc games.
I do not know at all if the operation of the console is the result of chance or change of hard disk. I can’t help more unfortunately.

In any case, a certainty is that the updates given by Microsoft evolve, and are able to change error messages from consoles as well as miraculously repair failures.

I stay tuned if you need more information!
Hopefully it will help.