[INFO] Board diagram and part numbers

Nice, I had looked at that one but thought it might be overkill. Appreciate your help!

Hey guys.
Can someone please help me identify all the capacitors/inductors next to the MAX77621 chip, in the black circle? Can’t seem to find anything on the internet.

can’t figure out how to attach the image, it’s the max77621 chip next to the sd card connector

Alguien me puede ayudar identificando el nombre y el valor de este componente que me falta

please valeur component

Hello friends, can someone help me identify component?

Mariko board 5v Step-Up converter on the chip marked as +ajz841.

Somewhere found that it is MAX8969, but seems that it is not true, because it’s marked as +ajz222 and pinout no correct.

This IC is for fan and joy-con charging.

+AJZ *** bottom 3digits are the date code, they all MAX8969EWL50+
where +ALJ is MAX8969EWL53+

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Is this meant to short to ground on both side?

that’s an inductor, most likely low impedance. Check resistance instead of just relying on continuity.

Pg.11 Yes, it goes to ground

Can someone confirm these cap values? Its for a v2.

Perhaps it is this?
MLCC - SMD/SMT 22 uF 6.3 VDC 20% 0603 X5R

Does anyone know the specs of the two missing SMD components below the MAX77621? One seemed to be a cap (yellow), one was black (not sure what type of component it was).

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“both are 0.1uF_6.3v caps” according to www.tronicsfixforum. com/t/need-caps-value-near-max77621-and-max77620/9807/15?u=qwertychouskie

Have opened another topic, but maybe here is a better place -
does anybody know this component ?


99% sure thats just a small value (1~10nF) cap for either power or volume button. It would just work without it,

hey i have a stripped rst point on a v1 board does anyone know were it goes to so i can make a “bypass”

(i cannot attach any photos idk why)

i tried to repair it but it turns on and then goes off afer a minute or so

Hi, I broke the connector for Bluetooth. Does anyone know which part name / number it is?

Thank you in advance

Anyone know the value of this resistor on the mainboard between the fan connector and the pwr/vol connector? There’s one in this photo marked 150Ohms, I’m looking for the resistor just to the right of that one (in reference to photo). Wish I could upload a photo to show what I mean, but I’m not allowed to upload apparently. I’m assuming it’s for volume control.

Might be useful to see connections. X rayed nintendoswitch boards

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Hey there,
could someone possibly tell me what the components and their values would be?
I was doing work on the opposite side of the board close to the battery connector and knocked them off, forgot to put the hot air away and they flew into the ether. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The components missing are close to the “Side A” label of the PCB